• Professional Audio Equipment Distributors
  • Portland Maine (207) 773-2424

Audio Plugins

  • CEDAR Forensic Enhance Audio Plugin

    CEDAR Forensic Enhance Audio Plugin is the latest version of our earlier Trinity Enhanceâ„¢ product. It’s incredibly simple to use; but, nonetheless, an effective audio forensic toolkit comprising four related processes that suppress noise and enhance speech to increase listenability and intelligibility.

    Quick to master, the CEDAR Forensic Enhance Audio Plugin allows even novice users to clean difficult material to a standard that would have seemed impossible just a few years ago; and, although designed primarily for speech enhancement in the forensic laboratory, it can also be used to clean things such as interviews and reports intended for broadcast that were recorded in particularly noisy environments.

    The immediate benefit of Forensic Enhance is that it’s now authorized on both Mac and PC by an iLok dongle or using iLok Cloud, which makes it simpler and more convenient to install and use than previously. Existing users are invited to upgrade; but, since Forensic Enhance is a new product, contact must be made at sales@cedaraudio.com to request instructions for decommissioning the earlier product, and installing the new one. Users running Trinity Enhance on a PC must also remove it from their existing CEDAR HSP dongles before authorizing Forensic Enhance on their iLoks.

    For more information, please visit this product's webpage.
